Research in Scientific Computing in Undergraduate Education


From July 15 to August 7 2009

Faculty in Charge:

  1. Sigal Gottlieb
  2. Gary Davis
  3. Saeja Kim
  4. Cheng Wang
  5. Alfa Heryudono
  6. Steve Leon
  7. Adam Hausknecht (Guest lecturer)

Student Participants:

  1. Sidafa Conde (final report)
  2. Michael Ryan (final report)
  3. Zachary Grant (final report)
  4. Christopher Bresten (final report)
  5. Katie Cakounes (final report)
  6. Adam Callahan (final report)
  7. Daniel Katz (final report)
  8. Ann Kimball (final report)
  9. Robert LeBoeuf (final report)
  10. Andrew Perry (final report)
  11. Aimee Ross (final report)
  12. Leanne Silvia (final report)

Teaching Assistant: Daniel Higgs

Pictures: Workshop in Room 218 and SIAM Annual Meeting 2009 in Denver